Diet Change from Meat to Vegetarianism

Virginia Blake
3 min readSep 13, 2021

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While the health and ethical benefits are undeniable, switching to a plant-based diet is healthy for the environment as well. New research suggests that switching to a plant-based diet could reduce your personal environmental footprint more than switching to a hybrid car. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that around 30% of land on earth that is not covered by ice is either directly or indirectly used in the production of livestock. In the Amazon, for example, almost 70% of forest land has been converted to space that is primarily used as cattle pastureland. Over-grazing has resulted in the failure of biodiversity and the productive capacity of ecosystems, particularly in arid regions.

According to a recent study on the impact plant-based meat substitutes have on the environment, every instance of plant-based meat alternatives produced substantially lower emissions than actual meat. Specifically, these meat alternatives created ten times less greenhouse gas emissions than those produced by similar meat-based products. This switch reduces the number of resources required since there are no animals that need to be fed, hydrated, and cleaned up after. Livestock production, on the other hand, leads to unsustainable water use. The animal agriculture industry needs high water usage, often depleting local supplies amidst heightened concerns of climate change and ever-shrinking freshwater resources. (1) Bottom line is the bottom line as these other industries focus on the underserved frozen/ready-to-eat comfort food space with wholesome ingredients and authentic cooking. Nip it in the bud as this site gives you full-bloomed knowledge!

The modern food and agricultural industries have produced a plentiful supply of safe, affordable, convenient, and tasty foods, contributing to a significant reduction in world hunger and malnutrition over the past century. But current food production practices are also linked to the high prevalence of some chronic diseases, as well as to appreciable environmental damage. A higher quantity and enhanced quality of food are required to feed a global population that is progressing and becoming wealthier.

The production of large quantities of animal products, such as meat, fish, egg, milk, and their derivatives, has been proposed to be a major factor contributing to the negative impact of the modern food supply on global environmental sustainability. Rearing livestock for food typically leads to more pollution, as well as greater greenhouse gas emissions, water use, land use, and lack of biodiversity than developing plants directly for consumption. It could be noted, however, that there are areas unsuitable for the production of agricultural crops that are suitable for the generation of animals as food. Moreover, some studies have shown that switching to a more plant-based diet might result in a slight development in overall water use and only a modest decrease in overall cropland use. (2) What other industries might do to demonstrate their support for plant-based meals through traditional comfort foods? Get a second wind on this page to answer the circulating doubt in your head!

However, many people have ethical concerns about confining and slaughtering animals, which is motivating them to switch to a more plant-based diet. Moreover, many consumers believe a plant-based diet is healthier than an animal-based one, which is driving changes in their eating behaviors, but it is important to note that a plant-based diet is not necessarily better than an omnivore diet from a nutritional perspective. Animal foods, such as meat, milk, and egg, often contain micronutrients that are lacking from an entirely plant-based diet, such as vitamin D, calcium, and zinc. For this reason, plant-based foods often need to be fortified with these micronutrients. You might find the answers to your queries on this well-informed website! Check the disclaimer on my profile and landing page




Virginia Blake

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