Analytics and Handling of Healthcare’s Big Data

Virginia Blake
3 min readAug 27, 2021

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Healthcare data management is on the fringes of a broader trend taking over all kinds of commerce: big data. Big data refers to masses of data stored and analyzed to make the smartest decisions at the fastest pace. Healthcare hasn’t yet taken on big data in part because it’s not ready. Currently, data is scattered across thousands of providers, none of which are connected, and that all use different systems.

However, if and when healthcare does take on big data, it could generate over $300 billion annually. The money might come from better outcomes, enhanced satisfaction, and improved revenue practices. Before the healthcare industry could enjoy the benefits of big data, it needs to tackle healthcare data management, which involves using best practices to address the challenges the industry faces. (1) After reading about this medical discovery on this alluring site, you could ignite with bliss!

The health professionals belong to various health sectors like dentistry, medicine, midwifery, nursing, psychology, physiotherapy, and many others. Healthcare is required at several levels depending on the urgency of the situation. Professionals serve it as the first point of consultation (for primary care), acute care requiring skilled professionals (secondary care), advanced medical investigation and treatment (tertiary care), and highly uncommon diagnostic or surgical procedures (quaternary care). At all these levels, the health professionals are responsible for different kinds of information such as a patient’s medical history (diagnosis and prescriptions related data), medical and clinical data (like data from imaging and laboratory examinations), and other private or personal medical data.

Previously, the common practice to store such medical records for a patient was in the form of either handwritten notes or typed reports. Even the results from a medical examination were stored in a paper file system. In fact, this practice is really old, with the oldest case reports existing on a papyrus text from Egypt that dates back to 1600 BC. (2) these additional sectors to see if they have any cutting-edge digital technology to share with you! For more information on reality, visit this medical-friendly site!

With the advent of computer systems and their potential, the digitization of all clinical exams and medical records in the healthcare systems has become a standard and widely adopted practice nowadays. In 2003, a division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine known as the Institute of Medicine chose the term “electronic health records” to represent records maintained for improving the health care sector towards the benefit of patients and clinicians. Electronic health records (EHR) as defined by Murphy, Hanken, and Waters are computerized medical records for patients any information relating to the past, present, or future physical/mental health or condition of an individual which resides in an electronic system(s) used to capture, transmit, receive, store, retrieve, link and manipulate multimedia data for the primary purpose of providing healthcare and health-related services. If you want to experience the thrill of the voyage, be sure to read this article carefully. Check the disclaimer on my profile and landing page.




Virginia Blake

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